�retilen cerrahi y�z maskelerinin, kapal� kabin
i�ersinde el de�meden h�zl� ve steril bir
�ekilde otomatik olarak kutulanmas�n� sa�lar.
Otomasyon kontroll� sistem sayesinde; �retim
h�z�, �retim adeti v.b. anl�k veriler s�rekli
HMI operat�r panelinde g�sterilir ve PLC de
kaydedilir. Maskeler kutulan�p kulaklar
kapat�ld�ktan sonra, hot melt y�ntemi ile
m�h�rlenir ve ilk defa kullan�c� taraf�ndan
a��lmas� garanti edilmi� olur.
It ensures that the manufactured surgical face
masks can be packaged automatically in a closed cabin in a fast and sterile manner without human
Automation controlled system; production speed,
production quantity etc. Instant data are
continuously displayed on the HMI operator panel
and saved in the PLC. After the masks are boxed
and the ears are closed, they are sealed with
the hot melt method and it is guaranteed to be
opened by the user for the first time.
STKR5000 | |
Teknik Detaylar
Kocaeli b�lgesinde end�striyel elektronik kart tamirinde, en h�zl� ve en uygun ��z�mleri sunmaktay�z. PLC ve HMI revizyonu, hert�rl� otomasyon hizmetleri. CNC, �sleme Merkezi, Router otomasyon pano imalat�, TSE Standartlar� Test Cihazlar� ve Laboratuvar Cihazlar� imalat�, sat�s� ve teknik destegi...